We’re the Real Life Brady Bunch

For this project we had to make a “fake” Brady Bunch Family picture. With that being said, I decided that I wanted to use some of the children’s pictures from the child care center I work at. We are all a family anyways so it only makes sense to be a real Brady bunch family.

Making this collage was actually pretty simple. First, I did a quick google search for collage maker. One of my favorite ones that I use on my iPhone came up called BeFunky. I like BeFunky because it is easy to use, navigate, and is pretty straight forward. After I got to the website, I clicked on the 9 square layout (just like how the real Brady bunch family collage is done). After that I was able to upload different pictures that I have on my laptop. You also have the option of adding directly from facebook or from google, which I think is cool.

Once you have all of your pictures figured out, you place them in the different squares. I decided to add 8 different pictures around the collage and then add the Crayon Box Bunch in the middle (which was done using a text box on the website). Afterwards, I was then able to save it to my computer.
Since the file was 2.4mb and wordpress only allows 2mb, I then uploaded it to my twitter and added the link. Overall, this project was a lot of fun!

